Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Thu 30 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon in Cancer refranation sextile Mercury
Moon void-of-course
When the Moon is in Cancer people are more sensitive than usual and tend to overreact. Projects that provide nurturing and security are favored. Group efforts yield better results than if you go it alone. If you begin something today expect mixed results because something is not yet in place. The Moon is void-of-course this afternoon at 12:45 PM until 8:56 PM eastern time. Use this time for routine activities.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today's influence variable

Wed 29 Apr 2009
Variable Day
Moon in Cancer refranation sextile Mercury
When the Moon is in Cancer people are more sensitive than usual and tend to overreact. Projects that provide nurturing and security are favored. Group efforts yield better results than if you go it alone today but you should wait to make a final decision. Either something is not yet in place or someone is unavailable causing you to delay your plans.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone or iPod Touch

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Mixed Day
Moon in Gemini trine Neptune
Moon void-of-course
The early part of the day while the moon is in Gemini a lot of information is being exchanged and people are friendly and communicative. This can be a good time if you have to juggle two or more projects. Put your ideas out there but stay focused on the main objective. The Moon is void-of-course at 12:23 PM until 6:38 PM eastern time. Use this time for routine activities.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Monday, April 27, 2009

Today's influence good

Mon 27 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Gemini trine Neptune
When the Moon is in Gemini a lot of information is being exchanged and people are friendly and communicative. This can be a good time if you have to juggle two or more projects. Put your ideas out there but stay focused on the main objective; there is a tendency to be somewhat scattered. Let your instincts guide you in making the right decision.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Sun 26 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon in Taurus conjunct Mercury
Moon void-of-course
The day begins with the Moon in Taurus and this is a good time to complete whatever projects are underway. The Moon is void-of-course at 11:43 AM through 5:03 PM eastern time so the remainder of the day favors routine activities. People may be argumentative as Mars completes her square to Pluto today; tomorrow is better.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Today's influence variable

Sat 25 Apr 2009
Variable Day
Moon in Taurus conjunct Mercury
The Moon in Taurus continues to focus attention on financial and security issues. If you plan to sign documents today be sure you read the fine print. Something may need clarification. As Mercury's square to Neptune culminates this evening uncertainty and indecision can interfere with success. People may be argumentative.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Friday, April 24, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Fri 24 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon void-of-course
Moon in Taurus conjunct Mercury
The Moon is void-of-course much of the day today so use this time for routine activities but not to initiate something of importance. The Moon enters the sign of Taurus at 2:47 PM eastern time. When the Moon is in Taurus attention is focused on security and finances. Many good ideas can come to light now but you should be selective is choosing who to work with. If uncertain - wait until things clear up.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today's influence good

Thu 23 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Aries sextile Neptune
The Moon in Aries favors new initiatives and quick action. People tend to be confident and determined to move forward. The Sun in Taurus is trine Pluto early today indicating strong support behind the scenes. This is a good time to put your ideas on the table.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Wed 22 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon Void-of-course
Moon in Aries sextile Neptune
Today begins with the Moon void of-course until 10:10 AM eastern time when she moves into the sign of Aries. Once the Moon is in Aries people are more optimistic and it is a good time to take the lead. Things can happen quickly so be prepared for immediate results. Mars will move into Aries early today where it operates with ease supporting new initiatives.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today's influence variable

Tue 21 Apr 2009
Variable Day
Moon in Pisces refranation conjunct Mars
When the Moon is in Pisces imagination is heightened and creative activities are favored. Misunderstandings are common and it may be necessary to clarify something. Projects that involve teaching or helping others can be rewarding. The outcome of something started today is uncertain because something is not in place. It is best to postpone important projects or decisions until a better time.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Monday, April 20, 2009

Today's influence variable

Mon 20 Apr 2009
Variable Day
Moon in Pisces refranation conjunct Mars
When the Moon is in Pisces misunderstandings are common and it may be necessary to clarify something. Projects that involve teaching or helping others can be rewarding. The outcome of something started today is uncertain because someone you were depending upon may not be available. It is best to postpone important projects or decisions until a better time.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Today's influence good

Sun 19 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Aquarius conjunct Neptune
A good day to get together with friends or participate in group activities. Intuition is heightened and new insights are likely. This is a time when people are impressionable and feelings can carry you away. The Sun moves into the sign of Taurus at 6:45 PM eastern time and the focus shifts to material and financial security.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Today's influence good

Sat 18 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Aquarius conjunct Neptune
When the Moon is in Aquarius we are more concerned with humanitarian endeavors. Getting together with others of like mind can be rewarding. There are no exact aspects today so people may seem distracted or lackadaisical but it is a good time to put your thoughts and ideas on paper.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Friday, April 17, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Fri 17 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon in Capricorn sextile Venus
Moon void-of-course
Moon in Aquarius conjunct Neptune
The Moon remains in Capricorn this morning and is void-of-course at 12:43 PM eastern time until 2:20 PM at which time she moves into Aquarius. During the morning hours yesterday's forecast still applies. Her void period favors routine activities but not new initiatives. When the Moon is in Aquarius people are friendly but detached and it's a good time to interact with the public. Group functions go well and a unique plan is favored. Venus turns direct today at 3:26 PM so we can look forward to improvement in financial and romantic areas.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today's influence good

Thu 16 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Capricorn sextile Venus
Today's Moon in Capricorn is helpful if you are planning to undertake a project that requires steadfast commitment. People tend to be focused on serious matters and energy can be a bit sluggish. It is a good time to deal with Government agencies and those in authority. It is also a good time to begin something if you want it to have longevity but be patient for it may take awhile to get it going. Steady progress is indicated if you can stay focused on the long-term goal.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today's influence good

Wed 15 Apr 2009
Moon in Capricorn sextile Venus
Today's Moon in Capricorn is appropriate for dealing with Government agencies and those in authority. This is also a good time to begin something if you want it to have longevity but be patient for it may take awhile to get it going. Steady progress is indicated if you can stay focused on the long-term goal. A nice sextile between the Sun and Neptune later today opens the creative channels.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today's influence challenging

Tue 14 Apr 2009
Challenging Day
Moon in Sagittarius square Venus
The Moon in Sagittarius lends itself to formal ceremonies and activities that involve legalization such as the filing of documents. Projects that involve travel, adventure and long-range planning are favored. It can be difficult to stay within budget today and the tendency is to take unnecessary risks and spend too much. People can be a bit edgy and act too quickly. Slow down and try to think things through.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Monday, April 13, 2009

Today's influence challenging

Mon 13 Apr 2009
Challenging Day
Moon in Sagittarius square Venus
When the Moon is in Sagittarius adventure and long-range plans are on everyone's mind. There is a tendency to overdo it which can translate to excess spending or taking unnecessary risks. People can be a bit edgy and act too quickly. Slow down and try to think things through.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Sun 12 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon in Scorpio trine Venus
Moon void-of-course
Moon in Sagittarius square Venus
The Moon remains in Scorpio until 1:29 PM eastern time. You can put finances in order and think about reorganizing your budget. The Moon is void-of-course at 1:29 PM until 2:01 PM at which time the Moon moves into Sagittarius and the remainder of the day is challenging. When the Moon is in Sagittarius people are adventurous and will focus on long-range plans. There is a tendency to overdo it which can translate to excess spending or taking unnecessary risks. Slow down and try to think things through.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today's influence good

Sat 11 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Scorpio trine Venus
When the Moon is in Scorpio people can be moody and secretive but this is a good time to get things out in the open. You can undertake jobs that require reorganization. Venus retrograde moves back into Aries this morning so take the initiative and get your finances in order. If you were turned down for a loan try reapplying. Lenders are likely to be more receptive now.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch iTunes Store

Friday, April 10, 2009

Today's influence good

Fri 10 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Scorpio trine Venus

When the Moon is in Scorpio people tend to break the rules and follow their own agenda. This Moon sign favors projects that require a degree of secrecy, research or undercover work. Today is a good day to review finances and put things in order. If you were turned down for a loan try reapplying. Lenders are likely to be more receptive now.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch iTunes Store

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today's influence good

Thu 09 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Libra trine Neptune
Today's full moon in Libra occurs at 10:56 AM eastern time. The emphasis is on partnerships and resolving disagreements as the full moon brings something to conclusion. Mercury moves into the money sign Taurus focusing attention on financial issues as does the continuing Venus retrograde. You can accomplish more than you think now because there's a strong ally in your corner. You may be able to refinance so make the best of it.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch
iTunes Store

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today's influence variable

Wed 08 Apr 2009
Variable Day
Moon in Libra refranation oppose Mercury
Today's Libra Moon encourages you to get out and mingle with others. Everyone tends to be cooperative and conciliatory. However you may want to delay an important decision until you have more information. There is a possibility that the data you have is faulty or insufficient. People can be undecided and agreements fall apart.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Tue 07 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon in Virgo oppose Uranus
Moon void-of-course
The Moon remains in Virgo during the early part of the day and people are still focused on routine activities, work and obligations. With her final aspect to Uranus at 12:53 PM expect the unexpected and try to be flexible. The Moon is void-of-course at 12:53 PM eastern time until 11:23 PM this evening. Use this time for routine matters.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Monday, April 6, 2009

Today's influence challenging

Mon 06 Apr 2009
Challenging Day
Moon in Virgo oppose Uranus
When the Moon is in Virgo people are focused on work and tend to be critical of each other. If problems arise consider using a different approach to finding solutions. You may decide to walk away from something started now but at least you will know what you're dealing with.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Sun 05 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon in Leo oppose Neptune
Moon void-of-course
The first part of the day remains challenging because your enthusiasm is not shared by everyone. People may be unresponsive but don't take it personally. Just allow more time for others to get on board. The Moon is void-of-course at 11:40 AM eastern time until 7:02 PM this evening. Use this time for routine activities.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Today's influence challenging

Sat 04 Apr 2009
Challenging Day
Moon in Leo oppose Neptune

People are somewhat unresponsive and you may have difficulty getting your point across. Allow more time for everyone to get on board and expect delays. As the planet Mars completes it's opposition to Saturn later today things will slowly begin to move forward. Patience is rewarded.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Friday, April 3, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Fri 03 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon void-of-course
Moon in Leo oppose Neptune
The Moon is void-of-course for the majority of the day today until 3:33 PM eastern time when she moves into the sign of Leo. Use this time to take care of routine matters but avoid initiating something new. When the Moon is in Leo people are more likely to take risks as this is the sign of fun and speculation.

The remainder of the day is challenging and this influence continues tomorrow. People are somewhat unresponsive and you may have difficulty getting your point across. Allow more time for everyone to get on board and expect delays.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Art of Timing

When working with electional astrology you can see the difference between a good day and one that is not so desirable. Furthermore, there are times that support some undertakings better than others. When you consider that every endeavor has its planetary equivalent, one can look for a day when the planet ruling the matter is in favorable aspect with the Moon. The Moon is the primary consideration in electional astrology and because she moves so quickly it is easy to work with the Moon. You can improve your timing just by observing her applying aspects. For example, a good day for marriage would feature the Moon in a favorable applying aspect with Venus, the planet that rules love and relationships. There is a lot more to electional astrology and it is well worth the effort to learn because it is one of the most useful, positive and powerful astrological tools we have.

If you would like to know more about my course in electional astrology please visit my website and ask for a free course outline.

Today's influence good

Thu 02 Apr 2009
Good Day
Moon in Cancer trine Uranus
When the Moon is in Cancer changes are likely and people tend to react emotionally. This is a quarter Moon day which means the Moon will square the Sun early in the day creating some tension between our emotions and desires. Try to avoid taking things too personally. A unique approach works well for a favorable outcome. Group efforts yield better results than if you go it alone.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planing Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today's influence mixed

Wed 01 Apr 2009
Mixed Day
Moon void-of-course
Moon in Cancer trine Uranus
The day begins with the Moon void-of-course until 12:31 PM eastern time when she enters the sign of Cancer. See my earlier posting about Moon void intervals. Once the Moon enters Cancer changes are likely and people tend to react emotionally. The Moon will oppose Pluto for much of the day so you will likely meet with resistance. But if you can regroup and take a slightly different approach the outcome will be favorable. Group efforts yield better results than if you go it alone.

Excerpt from 2009 Electional Astrology Planing Guide
now available for your iPhone and iPod Touch