Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today's influence challenging

Sun 28 Feb 2010
Challenging Day
Moon in Virgo oppose Uranus
While the Moon is in Virgo attention shifts to jobs, work, health and fitness. This is a good time to debate the issues and to put forth new ideas though opposing views are strong. Today's full Moon brings everything to a head but at least you know where you stand. Some of what is being considered may be too optimistic and you run the risk of overextending yourself.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Friday, February 26, 2010

Today's influence challenging

Fri 26 Feb 2010
Challenging Day
Moon in Leo oppose Mercury
While the Moon is in Leo people tend to be extravagant and spending can get out of hand. It is often a good time to schedule public appearances. However two major aspects culminating this weekend indicate the need to clarify all objectives particularly as they relate to financial matters. It is likely that someone is holding back information and it can be costly.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today's influence mixed

Thu 25 Feb 2010
Mixed Day
Moon in Cancer trine Uranus
Moon void-of-course
While the Moon is in Cancer projects that provide some security, nurturing or support are favored. Though this time is associated with impulsive decisions today you can make changes quickly and wind up with a much better plan. The morning hours are best before the Moon turns void at 12:48 PM eastern time and remains so until 8:09 PM.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's influence good

Wed 24 Feb 2010
Good Day
Moon in Cancer trine Uranus
While the Moon is in Cancer people are focused on family matters and tend to act on instinct. If it feels good you are probably on track. You can make needed changes quickly and wind up with a much better plan. Someone can open a door and you will reap the benefits. Though the outcome may be different than expected it's an improvement. An innovative idea cuts through the red tape.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today's influence mixed

Tue 23 Feb 2010
Mixed Day
Moon in Gemini trine Neptune
Moon void-of-course
The Moon in Gemini is a good time to gather information but not to make a final decision because more details are yet to be revealed. If someone seems a bit pushy don't be swayed. The morning hours are best before the Moon turns void at 12:30 PM eastern time and remains so until 6:29 PM.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today's influence good

Mon 22 Feb 2010
Good Day
Moon in Gemini trine Neptune
While the Moon is in Gemini gathering information and exchanging ideas is a dominant theme. It may be difficult to make up your mind so the challenge is to keep your long-term goals in mind. If you are able to stay focused things can turn out well even if you don't have all the answers yet. Help arrives in an unexpected way.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today's influence challenging

Sat 20 Feb 2010
Challenging Day
Moon in Taurus square Neptune
While the Moon is in Taurus the focus shifts to practical matters like financial security. Progress is slow and people are more deliberate in their actions. Whatever your plans take the time to go over the numbers because costs can quickly get out of hand. While Mars remains retrograde review all your options but delay new start ups until after March 10 when Mars turns direct.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now in your iTunes app store

Friday, February 19, 2010

Today's influence challenging

Fri 19 Feb 2010
Challenging Day
Moon in Taurus square Neptune
The Moon in Taurus is often a good time to undertake projects that require patience and a steadfast commitment. While the pace may be slow you can build a solid foundation. However today's influences present some uncertainty where finances are concerned. You're better off if you stick with methods that are tried and true. Also have a backup plan in place just in case the support you were counting on is withdrawn.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today's influence variable

Thu 18 Feb 2010
Variable Day
Moon in Aries sextile Neptune
While the Moon is in Aries everything moves quickly but this can be a good time to begin new projects. The energizing energy of this fire sign helps to get things going as long as you have a backup plan. Prepare for some confusion and the likelihood of last-minute changes. You can still succeed but you may have to sacrifice something to get where you want to go.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today's influence variable

Wed 17 Feb 2010
Variable Day
Moon in Aries sextile Neptune
While the Moon is in Aries people are inclined to be self-reliant and those who take the lead have an advantage today. You can accomplish a lot just by pushing forward but do try to avoid stepping on every one's toes. However there is some uncertainty among supporters so the outcome may be questionable. Try to clarify intentions all around. If you're right stand your ground.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today's influence neutral

Tue 16 Feb 2010
Neutral Day
Moon void-of-course
Today the Moon turns void at 9:33 AM eastern time and remains so until 7:31 PM. When the Moon is void-of-course we feel unconnected and without direction. It is an ideal time for introspection but not action. For electional purposes when the Moon is void-of-course it is not a good time to initiate something new. If something is begun on a void Moon it usually fizzles out because there is not enough momentum to get it going. This evening's Venus Jupiter conjunction supports love, music and the arts.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Monday, February 15, 2010

Today's influence good

Mon 15 Feb 2010
Good Day
Moon in Pisces conjunct Uranus
While the Moon is in Pisces sensitivity and receptivity are heightened. Those who listen to their feelings have the edge today. Intuition is strong and ideas flow easily. Artistic and creative endeavors are favored and this is a fine time for a performance. While ingenuity is encouraged the outcome may be different than expected.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Today's influence good

Sun 14 Feb 2010
Good Day
Moon in Pisces conjunct Uranus
While the Moon is in Pisces people are receptive to subtle changes and intuition plays a role in the decision-making process. Sensitivity to the needs of others garners success. This is a good time to bring people together for a worthy cause. Music and the arts can play a role. A short-term alliance may prove beneficial especially if you're willing to try something new.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today's influence variable

Sat 13 Feb 2010
Variable Day
Moon in Aquarius conjunct Neptune
The designation "variable" refers to a day when the outcome is not clearly defined. To some extent it is determined by your willingness to be adaptable because something is vague or unknown. It could be that resources are lacking and you must stretch your budget to get the job done. It is likely that to make headway you may have to give up something but success is possible.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Friday, February 12, 2010

Today's influence variable

Fri 12 Feb 2010
Variable Day
Moon in Aquarius conjunct Neptune
While the Moon is in Aquarius people tend to be interested in the welfare of others. However an atmosphere of confusion or misinformation may contribute to an uncertain outcome with anything begun now. Additionally tomorrow's new Moon suggests it's too soon to go forward with your plans. Wait a day or two to launch new initiatives.

excerpt 2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today's influence neutral

Thu 11 Feb 2010
Neutral Day
Moon void-of-course
The categorization of 'neutral' is given when the Moon is void for most of the day which is the case on Thursday. The Moon is void-of-course beginning at 7:40 AM eastern time until 6:25 PM. While the Moon is void we feel unconnected and without direction. It is an ideal time for introspection but not action. For electional purposes when the Moon is void-of-course it is not a good time to initiate something new. If something is begun on a void Moon it usually fizzles out because there is not enough momentum to get it going. In some instances a void Moon can be helpful because you can use this time if you want to diminish the consequences of an action or statement.

excerpt 2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today's influence good

Wed 10 Feb 2010
Good Day
Moon in Capricorn sextile Uranus
While the Moon is in Capricorn the mood is serious and things may proceed slowly at first but progress is likely. You should be able to get what you want as long as you stay the course. Saturn - Capricorn's ruler - requires discipline to get anything done but promises success if you persevere. Help comes when least expected.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Today's influence variable

Tue 09 Feb 2010
Variable Day
Moon in Capricorn sextile Uranus
While the Moon is in Capricorn people are focused on work, duty and ambitions. This can be a good time to formulate a business strategy however expect revisions while Mars remains retrograde. You can still make headway though progress is slow. By March 10 when Mars turns direct your project will gain momentum.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Monday, February 8, 2010

Today's influence mixed

Mon 08 Feb 2010
Mixed Day
Moon in Sagittarius sextile Venus
While the Moon is in Sagittarius people yearn to travel. This can be a fun time to plan an outing to a sporting event. You may be overly idealistic when it comes to romance as evidenced by today's Venus Neptune aspects. Get your head out of the clouds and your feet on the ground. The Moon turns void at midnight eastern time.

excerpt 2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today's influence good

Sun 07 Feb 2010
Good Day
Moon in Sagittarius sextile Venus
While the Moon is in Sagittarius the mood is optimistic and people are inclined to be adventurous. Today's influences support reaching agreements and in particular getting the financial help you want. Just make sure you understand the fine print because the devil's in the details and things may look better than they are.

excerpt 2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Moon Void-of-Course

Moon Void-of-Course
When the Moon is void-of-course we feel unconnected and without direction. It is an ideal time for introspection but not action. For electional purposes when the Moon is void-of-course it is not a good time to initiate something new. If something is begun on a void Moon it usually fizzles out because there is not enough momentum to get it going. In some instances a void Moon can be helpful because you can use this time if you want to diminish the consequences of an action or statement.

excerpt 2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Today's influence mixed

Sat 06 Feb 2010
Mixed Day
Moon in Scorpio square Neptune
Moon void-of-course
The Moon in Scorpio turns void-of-course at 11:12 AM eastern time today and remains so until 7:04 PM this evening. The morning hours present some challenges as people tend to withhold important information making it difficult to commit to anything. Delay decisions until tomorrow if you can. The Moon void-of-course for most of the day lends itself to introspection and creativity.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Friday, February 5, 2010

Today's influence challenging

Fri 05 Feb 2010
Challenging Day
Moon in Scorpio square Neptune
While the Moon is in Scorpio people are somewhat secretive and it's difficult to get to the truth. Strive for transparency in all your dealings now otherwise distrust can waylay your plans. Positive Mercury aspects indicate many good ideas are on the table but you have to sift through the confusion first. Read the fine print.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today's influence mixed

Thu Feb 04 2010
Mixed Day
Moon void-of-course
Moon in Scorpio square Neptune
The day begins with a void Moon from 4:28 AM eastern time until 11:56 AM. While the Moon is void-of-course it is not a good time to initiate something new. We often feel unconnected and without direction. It is an ideal time for introspection but not action. Once the Moon moves into Scorpio the influence is challenging because the support you need may not be available. However you can use this time to review and revise your strategy.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide
now in your iTunes app store

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today's influence good

Wed 03 Feb 2010
Good Day
Moon in Libra trine Neptune
While the Moon is in Libra teamwork is more easily achieved as everyone is focused on harmony and balance. People are supportive and you will likely get the help you need. If you focus on communicating your ideas to the right group the outcome will be pleasantly surprising.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Today's influence good

Tue 02 Feb 2010
Good Day
Moon in Libra trine Neptune
While the Moon is in Libra partnerships of all kinds are favored. This Moon sign is chosen - more than any other - for marriage and other joint ventures. Though some complications may arise you can still end on a positive note. The key to success today is to bring everyone in on your plan. Be ready for some give and take.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide

Monday, February 1, 2010

Today's influence challenging

Mon 01 Feb 2010
Challenging Day
Moon in Virgo oppose Uranus
While the Moon is in Virgo take care of routine activities. This is the sign of work, service and attention to detail. It is a good idea to volunteer or give help in some way. This is a challenging time because differences can be over-emphasized and agreement difficult. The outcome is better if you consider what's best for everyone. Things can move very quickly so be prepared.

2010 Electional Astrology Planning Guide